The principle of trusts began centuries ago when people would assign their assets and valued items to a trusted person — a trustee — before going to war.

Today, a trust remains an agreement between an owner of assets and the chosen trustees. The trustees legally own the assets of the trust, but are not allowed to benefit themselves — unless they have also been named as beneficiaries. The trust’s main value is in its ability to keep your estate out of probate after your death.

The Property Trust has two main aims:

  1. To avoid your property having to go through the probate process in the event of your death – by using a property trust, the property would transfer to the remaining trustees in the event of death.
  2. By giving up direct ownership of your property to a trust, at a time when you are of sound mind and in good health, then the use of your property for the payment of care fees becomes much harder and will often avoid care fees.

We’ll go through your options with you and provide advice as to the best solution to your needs.

As with all our services, our advice is entirely free and without obligation.

If you’d like to have a chat, call us to make an appointment. We can come to you in the comfort of your own home or you can arrange to see us at our office in Howden.